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Navigate Change,

Transform Impact 

A systematic and planned approach to improving your organization’s effectiveness, efficiency, and overall health

Contac​​t us​​

Full Range of Services 

1. Start-Up

Starting a non-profit or for-profit entity has a lot of tedious steps!

  • Set Your Purpose
  • Decide IRS Status
  • Claim a Name
  • Form Your Governance Team
  • Select Location(s)
  • Draft Budget
  • Implement Needed Policies
  • Start Outreach!

Talk to Our Team

2. Establishment

Aside from these tasks, thinking about organizational culture begins here! Honestly, the most common work-on we encounter is work culture and communication blips that need to be addressed. 

  • Apply for Federal EIN
  • Secure Bank Account
  • Set Up Business Systems
  • Purchase Insurance
  • Recruit Staff and Volunteers
  • Register in your stat as a Charity
  • Solidify Donation Processes
  • Continue Outreach!

Get Started

3. Growth

Once you start serving and growing, paying attention to processes is going to help you keep things flowing as you add more to your plate. We help agencies identify and address bottlenecks and inefficiencies as well as implement the updated streamlined process and leverage new technologies if needed.​

  • Build Community Relationships
  • Diversity Revenue Streams
  • Audit Budget
  • Attend to Org Culture
  • Lead Needs Assessment
  • Update the Strategic Plan
  • Program Development
  • Practice Evaluation 

Reserve a Discovery Call

4. Scale

 To prepare for an effective transition of your organization from one state to another, we need to analyze the impact of change, communicate the changes to stakeholders, and provide support to employees. We use a three-phase, iterative process.

  • Build Community Relationships
  • Diversity Revenue Streams
  • Audit Budget
  • Attend to Org Culture
  • Lead Needs Assessment
  • Update the Strategic Plan
  • Program Development
  • Practice Evaluation 

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Choose A Level

Match Your Need and Budget 


Your typical consultation model, here to brainstorm and guide with honest input on an as needed basis starting at $150 per session.

Free First Call


Let us do the grunt work for you! 10 hours a week to set up a system, to draft and finalize a policy, and other development tasks starting at $750 per quarter.

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Significant changes requires significant time! We use a three-phase, iterative process of assessment, planning, and implementation starting at $100 per hour.

Talk with Our Team

Our Core Services 


We’ll take the time to understand your organization, proposed organizational developments, and provide feedback in real time.


We facilitate discussions and strategic decision making with your leadership or collaborators then follow up with a timeline everyone can support.

Policy Drafts

Many agencies come to us requesting help getting policy and procedure documents up to date – from employee manuals to risk management policies.

Process Improvement

Whether remote, hybrid, or in-person, project management and process improvement are often bigger pain points than agencies admit! We are here to get everyone on the same page and streamline where possible.


We find miscommunication and lack of communication are actually at the root of most situations that end up on our roster. We talk with staff, leadership, identify improvements needed, and provide the needed tools and training.


Often we work with leaders and emerging leaders to strengthen the skillsets needed to continue managing and coaching the agency. Typically we do one or two meetings a month and offer executive round tables.


From favoritism to DEI to mistrust in leadership, we work with your team to identify the internal culture shifts required for a healthy team.


We work with your current tools to help identify additional funding streams for your needs – we are successful with grants, municipal support, and donor engagement strategies.

What You Can Expect 

Fresh Ideas



Book a Discovery Call

We’ll ask you about what changes your agency needs, where your pain points, where and who are your strengths, and we’ll be transparent about pricing and next steps.

Onboarding & Assessment

We’ll ask you to share what documents, data, and processes you currently have related to the project. In the meantime, we’ll be setting you up on our project management tool to share outlines of tasks and timelines.

Roadmap Draft

We provide you with a first very rough draft of our observations and propose recommendations about our next steps together. We ask that you provide review and comment to ensure we are going in the correct direction. With those comments, we do a second complete draft and together we do final tweaks until leadership is in agreement about the deliverables and budget.


We are getting to work on the policies, procedures, descriptions, reports, and infrastructure updates including meeting with team members, submitting drafts, and facilitating committee meetings as needed for your projects.

Reassess the Relationship

At the checkpoint, we ask if you’d like to keep working together and, if so, what additional support or caps would you like to have in place. We’ll update the timeline and start the cycle again!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Change Management 

Policies and Processes

Team Development

Getting Started